Just a few people attended the Breckenridge Independent School District sessions on Monday to gather information for the Board of Trustees’ search for a new superintendent. However, anyone interested in
Tag "Breckenridge ISD"

Each November, Breckenridge Independent School District hosts special Thanksgiving lunches at the campuses, inviting parents, grandparents and younger siblings to join their students. The meal includes turkey and dressing, turkey

School has been out for just a month, but it’s already time to start thinking about the upcoming school year, which will begin in Breckenridge on Thursday, Aug. 15. Breckenridge

Last week’s McTeacher Night at the Breckenridge McDonald’s Restaurant raised a total of $2,075 for South Elementary School, according to the event’s organizers. Of that total, $500 was a donation

Books, books and more books filled Buckaroo Stadium for a Friday night that focused on reading instead of football when

Although the varsity football team has a bye week, this Friday won’t fall into the category of “nothing to do”

In honor of Constitution Week, on Wednesday, Sept. 19, members of the Lee’s Legion Chapter of the Daughters of the

The Pride of Breckenridge – the Buckaroo Marching Band will soon be sporting a new look. The Breckenridge Independent School
Breckenridge Independent School District’s tax ratification election passed with 292 votes in favor of the new tax structure and 80