Citizens must have brush that they would like to be hauled off at curbside by Friday, Oct. 20. Any brush put at the curbside after Oct. 20, will not be removed.
Tag "stephens county"

The Chamber of Commerce’s annual Community-Wide Sidewalk and Garage Sale will begin at 8 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 14, at locations throughout Breckenridge.

The Texas A&M Forest Service is on the scene now.

The Stephens County Tax Office, located in the Courthouse, will be closed from Monday, July 31, through Thursday, Aug. 3.

The Cooling Station will be open from 2-8 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, June 23-24, at the Breckenridge Medical Center, 101 S. Hartford St.

The sale will be from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Extension Service office on U.S. 180 East.

The bridge replacement project could take up to seven months.

The deadline to add the name of a deceased veteran to the monument is May 12.

The new historical marker is located on FM 717 North in Stephens County, Texas.

Stephens County District Attorney Dee Peavy’s office recently released the list of plea deals that were made in December, January and February.