Early voting for Nov. 5 election to begin next week

Early voting in the 2024 General Election will begin on Oct. 21 and continue through Nov. 1. Election Day will be Tuesday, Nov. 5.
The ballot will include Federal offices, such as the president of the United States, U.S. Senator, U.S. Representative for District 25, and other offices; State offices, such as state senator, state representative and more; and several local offices.
None of the local candidates have opponents listed on the ballot. However, there are two official write-in candidates for the County Commissioner positions that are up for election this year — Precinct 1 and Precinct 3.
For Precinct 1, incumbent David Fambro filed for re-election, and Chad Jones filed to run as a write-in. Click here to see their candidate profiles.
For Precinct 3, incumbent Will Warren filed for re-election, and Houston Satterwhite filed to run as a write-in. Click here to see their candidate profiles.
According to County Judge Michael Roach, voters who want to vote for a write-in candidate must write the name exactly as it is on the candidate’s application. There will be a list of all of the write-in candidates’ names in the voting booth, he said.
Additionally, voters who live in Stephens County, but outside the Breckenridge city limits, will have a chance to vote on a new sales tax for the county. In order to charge the sales tax, Stephens County will have to create a “County Assistance District” that encompasses only the unincorporated area of Stephens County. (Click the link at the end of the story for more details on the proposed sales tax.)
Polling locations and times
In Stephens County, Early Voting will take place at the Stephens County Courthouse in the first floor hallway/corridor during the following dates and times:
- 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday, Oct. 21-25
- 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 26
- 1 to 7 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 27
- 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday-Friday, Oct. 28-Nov. 1, 2024
On Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 5, the polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Voters will cast their ballots at their respective precinct location, depending on where they live.
- Precinct 1 Location: First National Bank-Tower Room, 101 E. Walker St.
- Precinct 2 Location: Presbyterian Church-Fellowship Hall, 1601 W. Elliott St.
- Precinct 3 Location: Stephens County Annex Building, 222 N. Baylor
- Precinct 4 Location: BISD Support Center-Bus Barn, 907 U.S. Highway 183 North
- Precinct 5 Location: Wayland Volunteer Fire Department, 10276 FM 1852
Ballot by Mail
Voting by mail is available to elderly voters and voters with physical disabilities. The deadline to request a ballot by mail is Oct. 25. For more details about voting by mail, visit the VoteTexas website or call the Stephens County Elections office at 254-522-9498.
Voter ID
Registered voters must take an acceptable photo ID with them in order to vote. Acceptable IDs include:
- Texas Driver License issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS)
- Texas Election Identification Certificate issued by DPS
- Texas Personal Identification Card issued by DPS
- Texas Handgun License issued by DPS
- United States Military Identification Card containing the person’s photograph
- United States Citizenship Certificate containing the person’s photograph
- United States Passport (book or card)
With the exception of the U.S. Citizenship Certificate, which does not expire, for voters aged 18-69, the acceptable form of photo identification may be expired no more than four years before being presented for voter qualification at the polling place. For voters aged 70 or older, the acceptable form of photo identification may be expired for any length of time if the identification is otherwise valid.
If you do not have one of those types of identification, check with Jared McLane, the Stephens County elections administrator, at 254-522-9498 for more information.
Check out these related articles on the Breckenridge Texan:
Candidate Profiles: Stephens County Commissioner, Precinct 1
Candidate Profiles: Stephens County Commissioner, Precinct 3
Rural Stephens County voters to consider county sales tax in November election
Jones challenges Fambro as write-in candidate for Precinct 1 County Commissioner position