On Monday morning, Feb. 10, several members of the Breckenridge Elks Lodge #1480 presented a check to the staff at Dr. Goodall’s House.
Tag "donation"

The Breckenridge Woman’s Forum recently made a donation to the local Meals on Wheels organization.

For the ninth consecutive year, Clear Fork Bank of Breckenridge (formerly First National Bank) achieved 100 percent participation in the Breckenridge United Fund’s annual fundraising drive and the bank has matched the employees’ donations.

At a January meeting, the Breckenridge Woman’s Forum donated $832 to the Stephens Memorial Hospital Auxiliary.

The Breckenridge Elks Lodge donated $3,000 from a National Elks Foundation grant to help bring motivational speaker Damon West to Breckenridge tonight, Sept. 24.

The funds will be used to purchase copy machines.