Breckenridge Texan

Deadline to register to vote will be Tuesday, Oct. 9

Deadline to register to vote will be Tuesday, Oct. 9
October 05
14:41 2018

Tuesday, Oct. 9, will be the last day for all eligible Texans to register to vote in the upcoming Nov. 6 General Election, which will include local and state offices. Additionally, voters in the Breckenridge city limits, will have the opportunity to vote on allowing wine and beer with a 17 percent alcohol content to be sold in Breckenridge.

“The Texas Secretary of State’s office wants to ensure that all eligible Texans can cast their ballots with confidence this November, and the first step in doing so is to make sure you are registered and ready to make your trip to the polls,” Texas Secretary of State Rolando Pablos said.

Texans may check to see if they are already registered to vote through the Texas Secretary of State’s web site or by visiting

Eligible Texans who are not already registered to vote may register in person at the county Voter Registrar’s office. In Stephens County, that is the office of Tax Assessor-Collector Christie Latham, in the courthouse at 200 W. Walker St.

To register to vote, you may pick up an application at the Stephens County Courthouse or you can complete and print a voter registration application online at the Secretary of State’s website. Once completed,  the application may be submitted to the Stephens County Voter Registrar’s office (Tax Assessor-Collector’s office) in person or by mail. Completed voter registration applications must be postmarked by Oct. 9, 2018, in order to be accepted. If delivered in person, the applications must be presented no later than Oct. 9.

Early voting will be Monday, Oct. 22, through Friday, Nov. 2. Election Day will be Tuesday, Nov. 6.

For more information on voting in Texas, visit

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