Brother and sister Matthew Wunsch and Magdalynn (Maggie) Wunsch were presented with their Eagle Scout medals and badges in a ceremony on Saturday, Aug. 25.
Tag "boy scout troop 63"

The Stephens County Veterans Memorial will soon be refurbished with a new stone and repainted names, as well as other improvements, according to the Eagle Scout plan of Breckenridge Scout Kason Burchett.

On Saturday, Breckenridge Scout Troop 63 learned just how far the skills they’re learning in the Boy Scouts can take them in life when Aric Holly, 1995 BHS graduate, retired U.S. Air Force pilot and Eagle Scout, spoke at the troop’s Court of Honor.

Breckenridge Cub Scout Pack 81 held its annual Blue and Gold Banquet awards ceremony Saturday, May 22, at the Woman’s Forum.

Breckenridge Cub Scout Pack 81 held their annual Blue and Gold Banquet awards ceremony Saturday, Oct. 3, at the Woman’s

The Breckenridge Elks Lodge #1480, along with local Boy Scout Troop 63 and VFW Post 7767, hosted a flag ceremony

Local scouts in Breckenridge showed their respect for U.S. military veterans this Memorial Day by placing flags on the graves

On Saturday, May 18, Breckenridge Cub Scout Pack 81 held its annual Blue and Gold Banquet at First United Methodist