Breckenridge Texan

Buckaroos introduced at annual Meet the Bucks event

Buckaroos introduced at annual Meet the Bucks event
August 20
19:23 2023

The Breckenridge community had the opportunity to “Meet the Bucks” at the annual spirit event on Friday evening, Aug. 18.

Breckenridge High School hosted Meet the Bucks at Buckaroo Stadium, introducing the 2023-24 football, volleyball and cross country teams, as well as the cheerleaders, band, coaches, booster club, sports media crew, FFA flag crew, helmet crew and school district administration. Additionally, this year’s Buckaroo Queen and Great Lord Chamberlain were announced.

The BHS students voted on the Buckaroo Queen and Great Lord Chamberlain last week, and the results were finalized Friday morning. Chloe Whitmire was chosen as the 2024 Buckaroo Queen, and Riyaj Neupane was chosen as Great Lord Chamberlain. The Buckaroo Queen is traditionally crowned in the annual coronation ceremony in January.

The varsity Buckaroo football team will play their first game of the season on Friday, Aug. 25, in Jacksboro. The game is schedule to begin at 7 p.m., which is 30 minutes earlier than originally planned. BISD Athletic Director Casey Pearce said that Jacksboro High School changed the time so that it matches the starting time of their district games.

Click here to see more photos from Meet the Bucks.

Riyaj Neupane and Chloe Whitmire were named as the 2023-24 Breckenridge High School Great Lord Chamberlain and Buckaroo Queen at Friday night’s Meet the Bucks event. (Photo by Tony Pilkington/Breckenridge Texan)

The BHS cheerleaders, including Buckshot, and the marching band got the crowd in the Buckaroo spirit for the Meet the Bucks event. (Photo by Tony Pilkington/Breckenridge Texan)

Cutline, top photo: The varsity and junior varsity Buckaroo football teams stand at attention while the FFA flag crew raise the flag at Buckaroo Stadium on Friday night. Click here to see the Breckenridge Texan’s photo gallery from the Meet the Bucks event. (Photo by Tony Pilkington/Breckenridge Texan)



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