Breckenridge Texan

Breckenridge school board selects new officers, approves fuel rates and other proposals

Breckenridge school board selects new officers, approves fuel rates and other proposals
May 24
12:47 2023

At a special meeting on Monday, May 22, the Breckenridge Independent School District’s Board of Trustees voted Nic McClymond as the new president of the board. Graham Reaugh, recent board president, was elected as the new vice president.

Carrol Kanady was re-elected as the board secretary, and Paul Lippe was re-elected as the Texas Association of School Boards delegate. Chad Townson was voted to be the TASB alternate delegate. Additionally, McClymond and Townson, who were unopposed in the recent school board election, were sworn in.

Also at the meeting, the school board voted to authorize the superintendent or designee to enter into an agreement for fixed rate fuel through the TASB Energy Cooperative, provided it meets its strike price and provides the best value for the district, and to authorize the superintendent to procure two portable buildings at a cost not to exceed $250,000.

Regular May Meeting

At the school board’s regular meeting earlier this month, the trustees also approved the following:

  • The purchase of a one-year online subscription to the instructional materials Really Great Reading
  • An agreement with Communities in Schools of the Big Country, which provides a Student Success Advocate who works with at-risk students in the high school to help them become more successful
  • The purchase of technology infrastructure equipment, using federal ESSER II funding. The funds will be used to replace all of the equipment in the school district’s network operations center.

Following an hour-long executive session, the board voted to deny a level parent grievance III appeal and uphold the decision made by Superintendent Bryan Allen. The motion had five votes for, and two members, Kanady and Townson, abstained.

After a second executive session, the board approved and certified the 2023 BISD Safety and Security audit conducted by Edwards Risk Management.

During the May 8 meeting, the school board also heard reports from Andy Rodgers and Bailey Moore with First Baptist Church spoke to the board about a proposed after school program, Child Evangelism Fellowship of West Texas; from Clint Alsobrook with the Texas Association of School Boards, who conducted a facilities audit for the district; from a citizen concerned about safety and security at the schools; and from Barbara Collinsworth about the Texas Child Health Access Through Telemedicine (TCHATT) program that provides telemedicine/telehealth services to school districts to help identify and assess the behavioral health needs of students and provide access to mental health services.

As mentioned in a previous Breckenridge Texan article, the school board also honored the Students of the Month and the Teachers of the Year.


Cutline, top photo: Breckenridge school board member Nic McClymond, center, was selected as the new board president at a special meeting on Monday, May 22. The board is pictured here at the May 8 meeting. (Photo by Tony Pilkington/Breckenridge Texan)



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