Breckenridge Texan

Breckenridge Buckaroos’ annual Watermelon Scrimmage & Media Day to kick off football season on Aug. 6

Breckenridge Buckaroos’ annual Watermelon Scrimmage & Media Day to kick off football season on Aug. 6
July 24
10:24 2022

The Breckenridge community can get its first look at the 2022 Buckaroo junior varsity and varsity football teams on Saturday, Aug. 6, at the annual Buckaroo Watermelon Scrimmage and Media Day.

The event will start with photos at 9 a.m. There will be official team photos, as well as pictures of the individual athletes, special teams, seniors with their families, coaches with their families and football personnel with their families.

Following the photo sessions, the junior varsity will scrimmage, and then the varsity Buckaroos will take the field for their scrimmage. Watermelon will be served after the game.

The scrimmage will be free and open to the public.

The 2022 Breckenridge High School Buckaroos will take on their first outside opponent a few days before school starts when they travel to Fort Worth on Aug. 11 to scrimmage against Castleberry/Gainesville. On Aug. 18, Mineral Wells will come to Breckenridge for a scrimmage. The first day of school will be Wednesday, Aug. 17.

The official opening game of the season will be in Buckaroo Stadium against the Jacksboro Tigers on Aug. 26. Here’s the complete schedule for the 2022 season:

The BHS athletic department will have a meeting for parents of football, volleyball and cross country athletes at 6 p.m. Thursday, July 28, in the BISD Athletic Center gym. The Fall Camp for high school football, volleyball and cross country athletes will begin on Monday, Aug. 1, at 8 a.m.


Cutline, top photo: At last year’s Watermelon Scrimmage, Booster Club members were on hand to give watermelon to the football players. This year’s event will be on Saturday, Aug. 6. (Photo by Tony Pilkington/Breckenridge Texan)


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