Breckenridge Texan

City Commissioners approve contract for grant assistance, seek appointee to water district board

City Commissioners approve contract for grant assistance, seek appointee to water district board
April 13
17:26 2022

By Carla McKeown/Breckenridge Texan

When the Breckenridge City Commissioners met last week, they approved several resolutions and tabled one item that they decided needed more consideration put into it.

The meeting began with a scheduled public hearing regarding a potential grant to be used for a downtown revitalization project. After sending out requests for proposals to five planning firms for application and administrative services related to the grant application process, the City received only one response, from Public Management Inc.

Ken Coignet, vice president and business development director for Public Management, attended the meeting and explained that the Texas Community Development Block Grant Program – Downtown Revitalization Program, administered by the Texas Department of Agriculture, is primarily intended to be used for sidewalks.

“Fifty percent (of the grant) needs to go to sidewalks, but there’s other eligible activities, such as streets, drainage or utilities.” he said.

The grants range from $250,000 to $500,000, and the City of Breckenridge will provide some matching funds. The exact amount the City contributes to the project will be determined at a later meeting, Coignet said.

The commissioners approved the contract with Public Management Inc. when they voted in favor of the Consent Agenda items. According to the contract attached to the agenda, Public Management will be paid $35,000 by the City for the grant administrative services.

The Consent Agenda also included the appointment of Bonnie Robbins to the Board of Adjustments and the approval of the minutes of the February meeting.

The commissioners also approved the 2022 employee manual, as well as resolutions to publish notice of intent to issue Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation to the Texas Water Development Board to provide funds for sewer system improvement projects and for water system improvement projects.

Additionally, the commissioners approved a contract with Government Capital Corporation to finance the purchase of a tractor and three vehicles. The amount to be financed will be $141,652.21, and the purchase will include the following:

  • John Deere 3038E Compact Utility Tractor, which includes a canopy for 1-5 Series Tractor
  • 2022 Ford F-150 4×4 Regular Cab
  • 2022 Chevrolet 3500 4×4 Crew Cab
  • 2022 Toyota Tacoma

When it came time to appoint a new member to serve on the West Central Texas Municipal Water District Board, the commissioners voted to table the item and take more time to consider their choice. Scott Harris’ term on the board expires next month, and a new member will be appointed.

The WCTMWD owns, operates, manages and maintains the district’s water resource — Hubbard Creek Reservoir — and the district’s water pumping and delivery systems. It delivers raw water to the district’s member cities, Abilene, Albany, Anson and Breckenridge, and others for municipal, industrial, mining, domestic/livestock and irrigation purposes. Additionally, the district addresses drought management, drought relief and water quality issues, and provides recreational facilities and opportunities for the general public.

“We need somebody who’s going to advocate for our community and our lake, which is, you know, one of our chief resources,” City Commissioner Rob Durham said. “So yeah, I think we need to really, I guess, go through like a mini interview process, so to speak.”

Colton Buckley, CEO and Executive Director of the Breckenridge Economic Development Corp., agreed with Durham, saying, “The recommendation from the Economic Development Corporation is, while there are many duties of the Municipal Water District Board, the two that are selected by this body need to be fighters to allow more commercialization and recreational use of the lake. Anything that’s done, whether it’s the firework show or Brook Hatchett’s high-end RV peninsula project that this board has supported with resolutions, cannot go on unless it gains final approval from their executive director and the board…we need fighters and vocal supporters on this board specifically for that purpose on behalf of economic development and future growth within the city.”

Durham made the motion to table the decision until the next meeting, and the other commission members approved the motion.


Cutline, top photo: Ken Coignet, vice president and business development director for Public Management, talks to the Breckenridge City Commission about the Texas Community Development Block Grant Program – Downtown Revitalization Program that the Public Management will apply for on behalf of the City. (Photo by Tony Pilkington/Breckenridge Texan)


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