Breckenridge school board passes tax rate, budget; City to hold tax rate hearing this week
By Carla McKeown/Breckenridge Texan
The Breckenridge Independent School District’s Board of Trustees met last week and approved the new tax rate and budget. This week, the City of Breckenridge will hold a hearing on its proposed tax rate.
The school board met at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 25, for a public hearing on the new tax rate and budget. With no members of the public attending the hearing, the board took the allotted 30 minutes to discuss the topic among themselves before voting to approve the two items shortly after 6:30 p.m.
The new Maintenance Tax rate, which was approved by the trustees, is $0.9897 per $100 value. That’s down from the current rate of $1.0547 per $100 value. Although the proposed tax rate is lower than last year’s rate, it is slightly higher than the “No New Revenue Rate,” which is the rate that would provide the taxing unit with about the same amount of revenue it received in the previous year on properties taxed in both years.
The reason the tax rate is lower but the amount that will be generated is higher is because of higher property values within the school district. The property values are set by the Stephens County Appraisal District. The amount of tax an individual homeowner will owe will depend on the value of their home, as well as on the tax rate. To see the current value of your property, go to the Appraisal District’s new website,, and click on the “Property Search” button at the top of the screen.
The new budget that the school board approved can be viewed on the BISD website: 2021-2022 BISD Budget
Local tax rate discussions will continue this week when the City of Breckenridge Commissioners meet on Tuesday, Aug. 31, for a public hearing on their tax rate. The hearing is scheduled to begin at 5:30 p.m. in the City offices, 105 N. Rose Ave. Click here for more details.
Cutline, top photo: The Breckenridge Independent School District Board of Trustees met Wednesday, Aug. 25, to approve the new tax rate and budget for 2021-2022. (Photo by Tony Pilkington/Breckenridge Texan)
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