Breckenridge Texan

Sample Ballots 2020 Primary Election

Sample Ballots 2020 Primary Election
February 24
08:27 2020

Below are sample ballots for the 2020 Primary Election provided by the Stephens County Tax Assessor/Collector’s Office. To determine which precinct you are voting in, look on your voter registration card or contact the Tax Office at 254-559-2732.

There are only two Democratic ballots listed below because there are no competitive local Democratic races. Precincts 1-11, 2-11, 3-11, 4-11 and 5-are the same. Also Precincts 2-19, 3-19, and 4-19 are the same.

To view the ballot for any precinct, click on the button. The ballots they can also be downloaded and printed out.


Republican Party Primary Election: Click on precinct button below to view sample ballot

Precinct 1-11 Precinct 2-11 Precinct 3-11 Precinct 4-11 Precinct 5-11 Precinct 2-19 Precinct 3-19 Precinct 4-19


Democratic 2020 Primary Election: Click on precinct button below to view sample ballot

Precinct 1-11 Precinct 2-19


For the County Commissioner, Precinct 1, candidate profiles, click here.

For the Stephens County Sheriff candidate profiles, click here.

Campaign signs on courthouse lawn stir up controversy

To return to the 2020 Primary Election page, click here.

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