Sample Ballots 2020 Primary Election

February 24
Below are sample ballots for the 2020 Primary Election provided by the Stephens County Tax Assessor/Collector’s Office. To determine which precinct you are voting in, look on your voter registration card or contact the Tax Office at 254-559-2732.
There are only two Democratic ballots listed below because there are no competitive local Democratic races. Precincts 1-11, 2-11, 3-11, 4-11 and 5-are the same. Also Precincts 2-19, 3-19, and 4-19 are the same.
To view the ballot for any precinct, click on the button. The ballots they can also be downloaded and printed out.
Republican Party Primary Election: Click on precinct button below to view sample ballot
Precinct 1-11 Precinct 2-11 Precinct 3-11 Precinct 4-11 Precinct 5-11 Precinct 2-19 Precinct 3-19 Precinct 4-19
Democratic 2020 Primary Election: Click on precinct button below to view sample ballot
Precinct 1-11 Precinct 2-19
For the County Commissioner, Precinct 1, candidate profiles, click here.
For the Stephens County Sheriff candidate profiles, click here.