Candidate Profiles: County Commissioner, Precinct 1

Below you’ll find the Candidate Profile Questionnaires that were returned to the Breckenridge Texan by the candidates for the office of County Commissioner, Precinct 1, listed in the order that they will appear on the Republican Party Primary Election ballot. There are no Democratic Party candidates for the position.
At the end of this story is an editor’s note that explains how the questionnaires were distributed, compiled, etc.
Click here to return to the main primary election article.
David Fambro

David W. Fambro
What office are you seeking? County Commissioner Precinct One
What is your current occupation, and how will that be affected if you are elected?
- Production Control Consultant at RE Dye Manufacturing — Consultant, if needed
- Fambro Family Farms — Work evenings and weekends. Family supports and works at the family business. Available for discussions with constituents.
Tell us a little bit about your family.
- Fifth generation to live in Stephens County
- Married with four children, two grandchildren, and a large extended family
What are your community involvements/civic affiliations?
- Wayland Volunteer Fire Department
- Provide fresh vegetables at local farmers market
What is your education/military service?
- Bachelor of Business Administration from Baylor University
- Major in Operations Management, Entrepreneurship
- Minor in Accounting
What training, experiences and characteristics qualify you for this position?
- Business Administration in Operations Management and Accounting
- Professional experience in Operations Management for 27+ years for large corporations
- Extensive background in planning, forecasting, $6M+ budget, purchasing and accounting
- Owning and operating several successful small businesses
- Establishing mutually beneficial contracts
- Class A CDL with heavy equipment experience
What do you think are the most critical issues facing the community and what would you do to address them, if elected?
- Tax stewardship
- Budget management
- Bridge and road maintenance
- Prioritization of funds to accomplish maximum benefit
- Accomplish within the budget, using the available resources and working with the people for our common goals.
Describe an accomplishment of which you are proud and how it helped make you the best candidate for the office?
- Fambro Family Farms—current commercial vegetable farming, utilizing field irrigation and aquaponics greenhouse to:
- Innovative methods for success
- Provide fresh vegetables for farmers’ markets locally and in North Texas
- Best Candidate:
- Ability to take a concept and make it a reality
- Ability to listen to both pros and cons and solve problems
- Experienced negotiator for the common good
Jimmie Cantrell, Jr.

Jimmie Cantrell, Jr.
What office are you seeking? I am seeking the Stephens County Commissioner of Precinct 1 position.
What is your current occupation, and how will that be affected if you are elected?
I am currently employed at Stephens County Precinct 3 as road and bridge maintenance. Once elected for Commissioner of Precinct 1, I will no longer be working in precinct 3. I will be a full time commissioner for precinct 1.
Tell us a little bit about your family.
My parents Jim and Delena Cantrell moved here in 1984. My dad passed away 11 years ago and my mom works as a teachers aid for East Elementary and has for 25 years now. She also works in the nursery for First Baptist Church and has for the better part of 30 years. I am the oldest of four children. April Beatty, works in home health care, Violet Brinn, works at South Elementary and, Bacel Cantrell, Police Chief . I attended school here where I met my wife Nicole Cantrell (Daniels). We graduated from BHS in 1998 and got married on May 29, 1999. We have two children. Tanner, an accomplished student and athlete, is a senior at BHS and will graduate in May. He has plans to attend college and get his degree in kinesiology. Our daughter, Jimi Grace, is 6 years old and is kindergarten. She loves to play soccer and playing with her new puppy Sparkles.
What are your community involvements/civic affiliations?
I have been a coach of Little Bucks football for the last 12 years. I coached Tanner all the way through elementary. When he started Jr. High I thought I was done but I just could not say no to the kids.
What is your education/military service?
Graduated BHS 1998
What training, experiences and characteristics qualify you for this position?
I have almost five years of working for the county under my belt. This experience will be beneficial on making better decisions on road repair spending. My experience will also give this precinct an extra hand when needed. I have worked at other entities where tax dollars were used for spending and helped with building a budget using those tax dollars. I will be a full time commissioner and will work with other elected officials towards a positive progression for our community. I also have 15+ years experience running heavy equipment.
What do you think are the most critical issues facing the community and what would you do to address them, if elected?
I think one of the most critical issues facing our community currently is better spending and budgeting. Once elected, I will make sure to work with all elected officials as a whole, to develop a budget that not only accomplishes what we need, but will also help save money where it can be saved.
Describe an accomplishment of which you are proud and how it helps make you the best candidate for the office?
I have always prided myself on being an honest and up front man. When asked, I tell the truth, even if it is not what they want to hear. I am not afraid of hard work or helping others. I have a strong faith in God and am grateful for all he has given me. I know that once elected, I will be able to make a difference in my precinct. Through faith and hard work we can make a difference.
Will Harper

Will Harper
What office are you seeking? Precinct 1 County Commissioner
What is your current occupation, and how will that be affected if you are elected?
I am currently a supervisor/superintendent for an oilfield construction company which operates in several different states. If elected, I plan to devote my time as fulltime commissioner, thereby resigning from my current job.
Tell us a little bit about your family.
I am married to my wonderful wife, Meggan. On February 14th, we will celebrate our 17th Anniversary. We have been blessed with two beautiful girls, Grace, and Isabelle.
What are your community involvements/civic affiliations?
I am a member of Texas Southwest Cattle Raisers Association. I am a member of The Little Church in Palo Pinto. Former member of Wayland Volunteer Fire Department. We spend time promoting our girls in their athletic activities.
What is your education/military service?
I am a graduate of Breckenridge High School.
I have been through several Safety Orientation Classes for my current employment.
What training, experiences and characteristics qualify you for this position?
I am currently qualified with my employer to operate Haul Trucks, Skid Steer, Dozer, Trencher, Backhoe/Excavator, Forklift, Motor Grader, Roller. These are heavy equipment similar to those used by the county. I have several years of actual hands on experience operating heavy equipment, which will be vital in day to day operations for the county. I am capable of performing mechanical repairs on equipment, which will save some money for the county. At my current employment, I started as a maintainer/dozer operator, and have quickly worked my way into a supervisory position. I now supervise jobsite construction, from start to completion. I feel as if I am capable of not only being able to operate equipment, but to also successfully supervise others. As a supervisor, I also am required to operate within budget, something that will be a great benefit as a county commissioner, considering that we are operating on a very tight budget. I am also known as a very hard worker, I have worked on several ranches, as a Brand Inspector for the Texas Southwest Cattle Raisers Association, working long hours to make sure that jobs were complete. I also owned and operated my own Semi Tractor/Trailer for several years, logging over a million safe miles. A very demanding job, which required route planning, coordinating with freight dispatchers, complying with state and federal regulations, in order to deliver cargo in a timely manner. That is why I plan on being a fulltime, hands on, County Commissioner. As folks who know me, know that I enjoy visiting, I’m always anxious to talk and discuss matters, I plan on being very personable, and visiting with anyone who would like to talk about community issues, and hopefully do what we can to continue to make Stephens County great.
What do you think are the most critical issues facing the community and what would you do to address them, if elected?
First, our county roads are in dire need of attention. I understand several of these roads were flooded out in recent years. The budget is very tight, and very little money for road material. For the present time, I plan on maintaining the roads as well as possible. I will continue to seek ways to keep our roads in shape. I also plan on removing brush along the roads as economically as possible, perhaps using labor from county or state inmates. I plan on working with other commissioners and the county judge to help us with budgets and ways to improve our community.
Describe an accomplishment of which you are proud and how it helps make you the best candidate for the office?
Honestly, I have never looked to glorify myself, so it is hard to find one accomplishment. I was taught that whatever I do, is to give the Glory to God. I have been blessed to be given what I have, and for the opportunities given to me.
Malcolm K. Bufkin Sr.

Malcolm K. Bufkin, Sr.
What office are you seeking? Stephens County Commissioner Precinct 1
What is your current occupation, and how will that be affected if you are elected?
I am currently employed by Chemplex/Solvay as a field production technician and backup truck driver. If elected, I will leave Chemplex and devote full-time as a commissioner.
Tell us a little bit about your family.
I have been married to Debi Atwell Bufkin for 26 years. Together we have four children (one deceased), six grandchildren and three dogs.
What are your community involvements/civic affiliations?
I am currently a reserve Arson Investigator and Peace Officer for the Breckenridge Fire Department. In the past, I have coached Little League baseball and youth soccer. I have had the privilege of serving as a mentor for the Breckenridge Junior High for several years.
What is your education/military service?
I graduated from Breckenridge High School in the class of 1982. I also graduated TSTC West Texas with an AAS degree in Environmental Science Safety & Health.
What training, experiences and characteristics qualify you for this position?
I worked for the Breckenridge Fire Department for 28 years with a very tight budget. During my last five years, I was performing in the administrative role in creating the budget. I feel I have the ability to work well with people to build a strong team.
While working as a firefighter and on my days off, I worked for DSC Environmental and executed HAZMAT response and remediation. This work required my extensive experience operating multiple types of heavy equipment, especially under adverse conditions.
What do you think are the most critical issues facing the community and what would you do to address them, if elected?
While visiting folks out in the county in precinct 1, I have learned the most imminent issue is the condition of the roads. This problem did not happen overnight and won’t be solved overnight. I believe it is key to have the right and motivated personnel in order to get this job done. Also, cuts in several areas may be necessary to achieve these improvements.
Many people in town are very concerned with the detrimental effect of drug abuse in our community. I believe the only way to combat this is with a coordinated effort between county and city law enforcement,as well as the people in the community. This is a very serious problem that must be dealt with. There are no easy solutions, but as a commissioner, I would be very responsive to our sheriff and police chief with any ideas, as well as concerned citizens who truly want to combat this problem.
Describe an accomplishment of which you are proud and how it helps make you the best candidate for the office?
I proudly served the citizens of Breckenridge and Stephens County for 28 years while working for the Breckenridge Fire Department. I began as a probationary firefighter and worked my way up to chief. I was promoted up through the fire department by hard work, honesty and perseverance. If elected, I will do the same for my constituents. I am honest, and some may say brutally honest. I will not make promises I cannot keep, but I promise to do my best if elected.
Chad Ezell

Chad Ezell
What office are you seeking? County Commissioner Precinct 1
What is your current occupation, and how will that be affected if you are elected?
I manage operations at Ezell Aviation at the Stephens County Airport.
We have a good management structure and I will have time to be involved with County Operations. I will not take a big commissioner salary, and this will allow me to move salary funds to the road maintenance budget and spend tax money on road and drainage repairs that are needed. Our company works four ten-hour days a week leaving me with Fridays off, and I can also make time during the day for meetings and road maintenance scheduling. I will plan to spend a few hours every morning resolving Precinct 1 issues.
Tell us a little bit about your family.
I am married to Heather Lee Ezell and have two children, Providence and Prentin. My parents moved here to work at the Stephens County Airport in 1980. My father started Ezell Aviaiton in 1986, bringing several new jobs to the county. We have expanded the business and jobs over the past 35 years. I have grown up with the family business and have learned to invest back into the people and the county in many ways.
What are your community involvements/civic affiliations?
I have been involved with Christian Ministry in the area since 2001, and currently am still broadcasting Cowboy Church services on KLXK radio. I have served a term on the Breckenridge Library and Fine Arts Foundation, and on the Breckenridge Chamber of Commerce board. I also served as President of the Chamber of Commerce. I assisted in the recent two Airshows at the Stephens County airport, organizing performances and operations. Over the past several years I have assisted the Commissioners Court with airport operations. I am also a member of the Big Country Manufacturing Alliance and have worked on several board meetings to help with employment challenges we face in the area.
What is your education/military service?
I am a graduate of Breckenridge High School. I attended classes at Cisco Junior College and Midwestern State University. I have attended classes through a TSTC program for Aircraft Maintenance, achieving FAA Maintenance Engineer Licenses for aircraft maintenance. I have had several years training in customer service and project management.
What training, experiences and characteristics qualify you for this position?
The best training I have received has been on the job training over the past decade. My time in ministry and on local community boards has helped me understand more about the community and the area’s financial challenges within the city and county. I have grown up in the family business managing large projects on million dollar budgets, and I have had to solve problems to make ends meet. I can operate backhoes and motor graders, but I believe our financial problems and poor road conditions cannot be solved with just better road maintenance alone. We need a strong business mindset to handle our current financial problems in the county. I want the opportunity to make a difference in Precinct 1.
What do you think are the most critical issues facing the community and what would you do to address them, if elected?
The most critical issue we have is the shrinking County budget because of lower tax revenues. The Commissioners Court has been working to trim the budgets which will eventually affect the Precinct spending. In the current and previous years the Precinct 1 budgets show the Commissioner pay is 25%, and the Employee pay and benefits are 59%, which only leaves 16% for road maintenance. With less money coming in, if someone wants this job for the salary, where will they trim their budget? We need budget cuts made by someone without the self interests of the position pay and retirement. Oil & gas income is down and the county cannot afford to pay big salaries for Commissioners anymore. Business minded people need to be involved managing budgets, road work, and making sensible cuts. Who do you want spending your tax dollars?
Describe an accomplishment of which you are proud and how it helps make you the best candidate for the office.
My greatest accomplishment is my reputation, because it will outlive me. My parents are people of integrity and hard work. I was raised with this leadership into the business world and have learned it is the best platform to do business. I view the office of Precinct 1 no different than a business taking care of its customers. The customer is first and they must appreciate your work at the end of the day. The taxpayers are also the employers of the County Commissioners. I am not running for a paycheck, I am running to fix what is broken.
M. J. McIntire

M. J. McIntire
What office are you seeking? Stephens County Commissioner, Precinct 1
What is your current occupation, and how will that be affected if you are elected?
Self Employed Rancher & Construction, this will not affect my duties as county commissioner.This is a full-time position and I will treat it as such so that our county has devoted, educated and willing leaders in the commissioner’s court.
Tell us a little bit about your family.
Parents: Monte & Becky McIntire; Sisters: Miranda McIntire and Shannon & B.J. Roberts; Nieces: McKenly, Miley, Mattie, Maggie and McKlane.
What are your community involvements/civic affiliations?
I have been involved with our stock show for several years with donations for the beef producers’ group to help purchase the participants animals. I look forward to being more involved with the community as the opportunity arises.
What is your education/military service?
Breckenridge High School 2003, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Services & Development from Tarleton State University 2009
What training, experiences and characteristics qualify you for this position?
I have been raised in this precinct and have witnessed changes over the years as commissioners have come and gone. I have gained work experience leading employees and teams to complete large building projects.
What do you think are the most critical issues facing the community and what would you do to address them, if elected?
1. Revisions and adjustments to the county budget. Will work to make sure the money is appropriated for the most needed issues to benefit our community. 2. Roads and Bridges. Our precinct has more miles of road than the other precincts, therefore requiring much needed attention to help our landowners and pumpers. 3. Hospital & Jail. Two essential community assets that need to be monitored and improved upon to ensure maximum potential.
Describe an accomplishment of which you are proud and how it helps make you the best candidate for the office?
I have ran construction crews to design and build large structures for customers.This has given me skills to work with and manage people. I feel like I will be able to work well with other community members and commissioners to complete any task necessary to benefit the county.
Rickey Edwards

Rickey Edwards
Office Seeking: Commissioner Precinct 1
What is your current occupation, and how will that be affected if you are elected?
I have owned and operated an Air Conditioning, Heating and Electrical business since 1982 and I have a very qualified individual that has agreed to step in and take over as I plan to be a Full Time Working Commissioner.
Tell us a little bit about your family.
Wife – Gail (Coach Edwards); Daughter – Nikki Anderson; Daughter – Zan Wilson; Son – Hunter Edwards; Grandchildren – Blake, Chase, Layton, Barret and Sway
What are your community involvements/civic affiliations?
Junior Livestock and Little League Boards
What is your education/military service?
Clyde High School, Cisco College
What training, experiences and characteristics qualify you for this position?
Successfully operating a small business and being able to communicate and work well with others.
What do you think are the most critical issues facing the community and what would you do to address them, if elected?
Taxes are and will continue to be an issue. As a business owner if I keep raising prices I’ll soon be out of business so I make adjustments and as a county we must do likewise. I believe we need to take a close look at the Agriculture and Wildlife exemptions that are available for a purpose and that does not include hunting and recreation. Look into combining duplicated services between the county and city, Garza County as an example saved $600,000 the first year doing just this. The worst answer to the question of why is it done this way is “that’s the way its always be done” is not always the correct one.
Describe an accomplishment of which you are proud and how it helps make you the best candidate for the office.
My motto in my business is I will not do anything at my customer’s home that I wouldn’t do at my own and it has worked very well for 38 years. As a county commissioner I will use those same value for all residents of Breckenridge and Stephens County.
Editor’s note:
Each candidate in a contested Stephens County race in the 2020 Primary Election was contacted by phone and was presented with a list of questions via email or U.S. Postal Service, as requested by the candidate.
All of the questionnaires were exactly the same. We asked the following questions:
- Name:
- What office are you seeking?
- What is your current occupation, and how will that be affected if you are elected?
- Tell us a little bit about your family.
- What are your community involvements/civic affiliations?
- What is your education/military service?
- What training, experiences and characteristics qualify you for this position?
- What do you think are the most critical issues facing the community and what would you do to address them, if elected?
- Describe an accomplishment of which you are proud and how it helps make you the best candidate for the office?
The candidates also were asked to provide the Breckenridge Texan with a photograph. If a candidate did not have a photo, the Breckenridge Texan took a photo of them for this profile.
The only editing we did was to run a basic spell-check on the files to correct typos and to put the questionnaires in a standard format.
If you have any questions about the profiles or our procedure, please send an email to: