BISD provides maps, directions for avoiding road construction at BHS and BJHS when school starts

With major road construction underway on Lindsey Street in front of Breckenridge High School and Junior High, some changes have been planned for parking and for the drop-off/pick-up routes when school starts later this month.
Breckenridge Independent School District Superintendent Tim Seymore said the school district has coordinated with the City of Breckenridge to figure out the best path to and from the high school and junior high areas during the construction.
Parents, students and staff will need to be aware of changes to the student drop-off and pick-up area at the schools. Also, staff and students will need to be aware of the route to get to their designated parking areas at the schools.
BISD and the City prepared maps showing the new routes and parking areas. There are three maps: one showing the route to the drop-off/pick-up area, one showing students and staff how to get to their parking areas and one showing people where to park during sporting events at the high school. All three maps are color coded with road closures, traffic flow and parking areas.
Student drop-off and pick-up
The new pick-up and drop-off area for both high school and junior high students will be in the west parking lot across Lindsey Street from the high school. To get to the drop-off area, parents will turn north onto Miller Street off Walker Street, drive down Miller Street, turn left into the parking lot, drop off their students and then drive back out, turning south (right) onto Miller street and back to Walker Street. The same route will be followed for pick-up after school.
To keep traffic going, Seymore said, nobody will be allowed to park in the parking lot and there will be traffic control devices set up to keep the line moving and make sure everybody goes back up Miller Street. He also said Raydon Construction, who is doing the road work, will keep a crosswalk area across Lindsey Street during the project so that the students can easily walk across the street.
Click here to see and download pick-up and drop-off map
Student and staff parking
To get to the staff parking lots in front of the high school and the student parking lots on the east side of the school, staff and students will drive north on Rose Avenue from Walker Avenue, turn left onto West First Street then south onto Miller Street to the entrances of the parking lots.
To get to the student parking lots on the west side of Live Oak Street across from the new gym at the high school and the staff parking lot on the south side of the new gym, students and staff will need to drive north on Rose Avenue from Walker Street, turn left onto West Second Street, then south onto Live Oak Street and drive to entrances of the parking lots.
Click here to see and download student and staff parking map
Sporting event parking
To get to the parking lots north of Buckaroo Stadium and the new gym during sporting events, drivers will drive north on Rose Avenue, then turn left onto West Second Street and drive to the entrances of the parking lots.
Click here to see and download sporting event parking map
More Back-to-School Information
For more information about the 2018-2019 Breckenridge school year, click the link at the end of this paragraph to go to the Breckenridge Texan’s Back to School page. The page includes school supply lists, registration and meet-the-teacher schedules, info about the tax-free holiday, football ticket sales and more. Back to School page