For almost 30 minutes during the Breckenridge City Commission meeting last Tuesday, Aug. 6, local citizens and community leaders discussed the animal control problems in the area.
Tag "city manager"

The new city manager is scheduled to begin work on Sept. 12.

The City Commission will meet at 5:30 p.m. Aug. 16 in the city offices.

Greg Akers said he left the commission over irreconcilable differences.

Commissioners vote to hire Cynthia Northrop of Rhome.

The City of Breckenridge is currently without a city manager.

The Breckenridge City Commissioners formally accepted the resignation of City Manager Erika McComis at a special meeting Monday night.

The Breckenridge City Commission approved the hiring of Erika McComis, currently the assistant town administrator of Argyle, as the new Breckenridge City Manager in a special meeting Tuesday evening, July 20.