It was standing room only at Tuesday night’s Breckenridge City Commission meeting as citizens showed up to voice their opinions about recent water problems in their neighborhood and about the ongoing animal control problems in the community. Others were in attendance to show support for Breckenridge Police Department members who were honored at the meeting.
Tag "breckenridge economic development corporation"

Breckenridge’s new welcome sign, located on the west side of town, is one of four such signs planned for the community.

Breckenridge families will soon have a new place to relax and take a break in the downtown area, as a group of Breckenridge High School seniors is planning to convert the empty lot in the 200 block of West Walker Street, across the street from the Stephens County Courthouse, into a community-use space.

A new housing development on the west side of town is one step closer to reality after the Breckenridge Industrial Foundation closed on a deal with Kyle Colafrancesco, managing partner with Breckenridge Capital, on Monday, May 20.

The Breckenridge City Commission has met twice this month, taking care of City business, including an application for financial aid to inventory the City’s water pipes, the 2024 pool policy, an updated public comment policy and more.

Breckenridge will soon have a new restaurant in downtown after the City Commission approved a deal between the Breckenridge Economic Development Corp. and Jonathan and Neri Gonzalez, who own Neri’s on the Square in Graham.

Downtown Breckenridge will be filled with holiday spirit Friday evening as the Breckenridge Chamber of Commerce hosts the annual Christmas tree lighting and the Mingle and Jingle shopping event.

The grants will now be available to businesses throughout the city limits.

David Miller is the new BEDC director.

Downtown business/building owners may quality for façade improvement grants.