Volunteers are needed next Saturday, May 25, to help place American flags on the graves of U.S. Military veterans buried in the Breckenridge Cemetery.
Tag "breckenridge cemetery"

The project is a semi-annual procedure to clean the cemetery in preparation for the grass and flower season.

The annual Memorial Day Ceremony will begin at 10 a.m. Monday, May 29, on the Stephens County Courthouse lawn.

They will get started at 8 a.m. Saturday, May 27, in the Breckenridge Cemetery.

A large group of volunteers showed up for the Memorial Day project.

The City of Breckenridge cemetery personnel will begin cleaning the Breckenridge Cemetery on Monday, Feb. 7. The project is a semi-annual procedure to clean the cemetery in preparation for the grass and flower season.

The Memorial Day weekend started off locally with a group of volunteers placing flags on veterans’ graves in the Breckenridge

City of Breckenridge employees will begin its semi-annual cleaning the Breckenridge Cemetery on Monday, Feb. 1, in preparation for the

The City of Breckenridge has rescheduled a special meeting of the City Commission to discuss current budget shortfalls and options

In the past, Jim Merson of Breckenridge has worked with several local organizations to place American flags on the graves