Breckenridge Texan

City of Breckenridge to begin semi-annual cemetery cleanup next week

City of Breckenridge to begin semi-annual cemetery cleanup next week
February 03
13:26 2025

The City of Breckenridge cemetery personnel will begin cleaning the Breckenridge Cemetery on Monday, Feb. 10. The project is a semi-annual procedure to clean the cemetery in preparation for the grass and flower season.

The following portions of the rules regarding the cemetery must be observed:

  • No gravel, stone, brick, cement, or artificial walks are allowed on plots. No boxes, shells, toys, glassware, trinkets, rosaries, or similar items may be placed loose on any space or plot. However, in the upright section of the cemetery these items may be permanently attached to the base of an upright monument by the plot owner.
  • No fencing, coping, or enclosure of any nature whatever will be allowed upon lots or graves, except cornerstones for lots, which must be level with the ground and made of unpolished granite or bronze to replace markers placed by the City. Initials allowed on only one corner.
  • Solar lights are not permitted.
  • Flower saddles allowed on upright stones only.
  • No benches, chairs or like items shall be permitted on any space or lot. The placing of flowers on a space or lot shall be in a sleeve-type metal container or hanging from a “shepherd’s hook” type hanger. Only one flower arrangement per space will be permitted. The planting of trees, shrubs and bushes will not be permitted without prior approval.
  • For the following special dates, floral arrangements consisting of blankets (maximum size 4-feet-by-6-feet), easels and potted plants may be placed on grave sites five days before and five days after Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day and for three days before through three days after the date of the following holidays: Easter Sunday, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Father’s Day, Fourth of July, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. At the expiration of the third day after the special date, if the individuals involved have not removed the decorations, the cemetery personnel have been instructed to remove the decorations. The City reserves the right to remove any plant, tree or shrub should the same become detrimental or unsightly.
  • Any temporary marker that has been in place longer than 90 days will be removed.

City officials have stated that the City will not be responsible for storing any items removed during Cemetery Clean-up that takes place twice a year.

For more information about the cemetery, call the City Offices at 254-559-8287. Click here to read the Cemetery portion of the City of Breckenridge’s Code of Ordinances.


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