Breckenridge Texan

Two groups to offer faith-based exercise programs in February

Two groups to offer faith-based exercise programs in February
January 27
17:42 2025

Two Breckenridge groups will offer faith-based exercise programs for the local community next month. Faith Fit Exercise Group will start on Monday, Feb. 3, and Bible Pilates will begin on Wednesday, Feb. 5.

Faith Fit

The Faith Fit Exercise group will begin a new session Monday, Feb. 3, and will meet from 9 to 10 a.m. every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

The class meets in the fellowship hall at First Methodist Church, located at 419 W. Walker St. The cost of class is $2 per session.

Mats, hand weights and resistance bands are encouraged but not required. The exercises are adapted for different levels of fitness.

For more information, call FMC Pastor Samantha Chambers at 254-559-8208.

Bible Pilates

The Stephens County Extension Service will offer Bible Pilates from 10:45 to 11:30 a.m. on Wednesdays, beginning Feb. 5, in room 26 of the Church of Christ located at 1701 W. Elliott St.

The class is free and open to all.

The program will include exercises, as well as information on a variety of health-related topics, such as cooking healthy meals, understanding Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia, making meals for small households, learning the benefits of physical activity, being prepared in case of an emergency, and more.

For more information, contact Extension Agent Sumer Russell at 254-559-2312 0r, or Sharon Price at 254-559-2558 or



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