Letter to the Editor: Thanks and gratitude to the Breckenridge community

Letter to the Editors:
As Christmas is upon us and another year almost behind us, I simply wanted to express thanks and gratitude to those that make this a community. You provide much need outlets for food, clothing, healthcare, financial services, and even entertainment.
Thank you to all our local merchants and service providers, but especially those that choose to maintain our downtown.
Thank you to all the organizations and individuals that provided the downtown Christmas spirit. The tree and lit rooflines provide a festive spirit and lovely view of downtown. The Christmas parade was well done and the participation level amazing.
Thank you to those that arranged for and supported our downtown murals that add to the beautification of our community and chronicle our history.
I greatly appreciate those that work so hard for their home ownership, to provide improvements and reclamation to many of the homes in our community. I see your pride and your “sweat equity” in so many residences that have been cleaned up and remodeled.
I am grateful for the many individuals that quietly volunteer and provide financial support to all the various efforts to help others in need. They labor out of their heart not for others to notice.
I am grateful for those that have supported efforts to maintain key historic buildings in our community. I am also thankful for those who have taken a personal interest to document the history of Breckenridge and Stephens County.
There are always things that we see are wrong or believe do not work well. It is human nature to point this out. And fortunately even our blessed and defended right to free speech to speak out about those issues of concern.
However, in our busy lives and personal concerns it is important to pause and also recognize what has gone right. What we should be grateful for and not take for granted.
I have been gone over 40 years from Breckenridge and am presently only a part-time resident now. It’s been so long, very few could pick me out of a police line up. But I see so many things that have been done in the last 10 years to rebuild and improve our community. Thank you to those who have shared their ideas, resources, talent, and time towards those goals.
Hub Thompson
BHS Class of 1979
Flying’ T Family Ranch