Moran farmer/rancher elected Texas Farm Bureau vice president

Moran farmer and rancher Sam Snyder was elected vice president of Texas Farm Bureau by the TFB Board of Directors following the organization’s 90th Annual Meeting in Frisco Dec. 3.
TFB is the state’s largest general farm organization with more than 550,000 member-families, according to a news release from the organization. The TFB vice president position is elected annually.
Snyder was first elected to the TFB board in December 2019 as the director of District 7, which includes Stephens County and 16 other area counties. He raises cattle and grows wheat in Callahan and Shackelford counties.
For nearly 40 years, Snyder has served several in numerous roles — including president, vice president, secretary/treasurer and board member — on the Callahan-Shackelford County Farm Bureau board of directors and assisted with the county Farm Bureau’s efforts recognized by the County Activities of Excellence program.
He has participated in TFB’s leadership program, FarmLead, and served on TFB’s Natural Resources, Resolutions and Feral Hog committees.
Snyder graduated from Texas Tech University with a bachelor’s degree in animal science. Snyder has also served in leadership positions on the Moran ISD board of directors, the Shackelford County Hospital District board of directors, the Fort Griffin Special Utility District (vice president) and the Shackelford County Farm Service Agency Committee (chairman).
He and his wife, Mary Anna, have two children and five grandchildren.