Breckenridge Chamber of Commerce’s annual golf tournament on Saturday, Sept. 16, to raise funds for BHS scholarship

The Breckenridge Chamber of Commerce’s annual Johnny Bates Memorial Golf Tournament, a scholarship fundraiser, will kick off at 8:30 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 16, at the Breckenridge Country Club.
Funds raised through the tournament’s sponsors and related fundraisers will go toward the Chamber’s 2024 Breckenridge Independent School District scholarship fund.
Entry fees will be $120 per two-person team for the 18-hole scramble. Each team will receive an event golf towel and a complimentary lunch. There will be a 100 percent payout, less Country Club fees. Click here to register online or visit the Chamber office at 100 E. Elm St. to register in person.
Tee times will be at 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., and lunch will be served at noon.
In addition to the 18-hole scramble, there will be door prizes, a longest drive contest, a closest to the pin contest and a ball drop raffle. Tickets for the raffle cost $5 per ticket, and they are on sale at the Chamber office, 100 E. Elm. This year’s ball drop is sponsored by Watcha Got Electric, and the winner will receive a $500 Visa Gift Card.
Call the Chamber at 254-559-2301 for more information.
Cutline, top photo: Golfers participate in the 2022 Breckenridge Chamber of Commerce’s annual Scholarship Golf Tournament at the Breckenridge Country Club. This year’s event is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 16. (Photo by Tony Pilkington/Breckenridge Texan)