Breckenridge Texan

County Commissioners approve bids for replacing air conditioners

County Commissioners approve bids for replacing air conditioners
June 21
18:14 2023

By Carla McKeown/Breckenridge Texan

After several weeks of tabling the issue, at their meeting last week, the Stephens County Commissioners opened the sealed bids and awarded contracts for the replacement of air conditioning units at the courthouse, as well as for air conditioning units and a freezer and refrigerator at the Law Enforcement Center.

Following discussions about the requirements of the project and comparisons of the bids, the commissioners awarded the Law Enforcement Center project to K&S Air Conditioning and the courthouse project to Stowe’s Independent Services. The air conditioners were damaged in the 2022 hail storm; one of the requirements for the projects is that they include hail guards to protect the new units.

The commissioners also approved a request by County Judge Michael Roach to begin researching the process and associated costs of having the county’s public records digitized.

“I know that, in the past, not everybody has leaned in to digitizing their records for a variety of reasons. But I think we’re at the place where we run out of options because we’ve run out of room,” Roach said. “It’s just simply untenable to keep certain records in paper form for that long.”

With the approval, Roach said he will reach out to companies that do the digitizing and get an idea of what the costs will be.

Additionally, the commissioners approved the following:

  • changes to the Stephens County Handbook that were discussed at a special workshop on May 30
  • an interlocal agreement between Stephens County and the Department of State Health Services for vital statistics with the County Clerk’s office
  • a payment to Bayer Auto Group for the purchase of a rescue truck that was approved by the commissioners in November
  • a resolution expressing intent to finance expenditures to be incurred by Stephens County for the purchase of a fire truck
  • an interlocal agreement between Stephens County’s Precinct 3 and Young County’s Precinct 2 regarding road maintenance where the two counties meet
  • payment to Samuel Barries for the purchase of a belly dump trailer for Precinct 2, as well as a resolution expressing intent to finance the expenditures for the belly dump

The Stephens County Commissioners Court meets for regular meetings on the second and fourth Mondays of the month at 9 a.m. in the courthouse’s district courtroom on the second floor. The next meeting will be on June 26.


Cutline, top photo: The Stephens County Commissioners and other county officials met at 9 a.m. June 12 for a regular meeting. Their next scheduled meeting is Monday, June 26. (Photo by Tony Pilkington/Breckenridge Texan)





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