Breckenridge Texan

Fandangle preview entertains Breckenridge Woman’s Forum

Fandangle preview entertains Breckenridge Woman’s Forum
April 07
14:05 2023

The Breckenridge Woman’s Forum was treated to a sampler from the Fort Griffin Fandangle at their last meeting.

Several members of the Fandangle from Albany performed some of the numbers from the musical. The Fandangle is the oldest outdoor musical in Texas. The story of settling in this country is retold through the tales of the Old Timer, complete with authentic wagons, the Butterfield stagecoach, the Texas Central Train, and lots of horses, cattle and riders.

The Fort Griffin Fandangle is held each year at the Prairie Theatre, located just northwest of Albany on FM 1084. The musical is held the last two weekends (Fridays and Saturdays) in June each year, and this year’s dates will be June 16, June 17, June 23 and June 24. The show starts at 8:30 p.m., and a calliope concert starts 30 minutes earlier.

At 5 p.m. Saturday, June 17, the Fandangle Parade will take place in downtown Albany.

This is the 85th anniversary of the Fandangle, which was first performed in 1938. For more information about the Fandangle, including how to buy tickets, call 325-762-3838, send an email to or visit the website

Hostesses for the meeting were Diana Fambro, Ann Miller, Jill Flinchum, Judy Hart and Jan McMillan.

Fandangle cast members, from left, Lorna Ayers, Lanham Martin, Zach Harmon and Angie Hinshaw perform for the Breckenridge Woman’s Forum recently. (Courtesy Photo)

Hostesses for the meeting were, from left, Diana Fambro, Ann Miller, Jill Flinchum, Judy Hart and Jan McMillan. (Courtesy Photo)

Cutline, top photo: Members of the Fandangle musical cast attended a recent Breckenridge Woman’s Forum meeting and performed several numbers from the production. Pictured are, from left, Lorna Ayers, Lanham Martin, Zach Harmon, Angie Hinshaw, and narrator Pam Davis. Also attending but not pictured were Sandy Abel (music) and Wade Jones (sound). (Courtesy Photo)

Information and photos provided by Mary Quinn Griffin with the Woman’s Forum.



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