BISD honors local veterans with annual Veterans Day program
By Tony Pilkington/Breckenridge Texan
Breckenridge ISD honored local U.S. military veterans with the annual Veterans Day Program on Thursday, Nov. 10, in the high school gym.
The ceremony opened with the Breckenridge High School band playing Chain Cotillion and a salute to the veterans from local scout troops. Veterans were then escorted in by members of the BHS Student Council as Girl Scouts from Troop 8356 led by Kim Fuller, Cub Scouts from Pack 81 led by Kelly Dawson and Boy Scouts from Troop 63 led by Brian Kight lined up and saluted them.
The flags from the different branches of the military along with the POW/MIA flag were brought in to the gym and posted by veterans and VFW members, including VFW Honorary Member Rush Walker, veterans Lance Kitchens, Les Strickland, Eddie Renfro, Jean Hayworth, Rodney Anderson, Brian Kight, Amber Gooch and Anthony Kelly.
Special guests from the Daughters of the American Revolution and Daughters of the Republic of Texas also participated in the opening ceremony.
Veterans and American Volunteer Reserve members Les Strickland and Eddie Renfro then posted the colors.
Following the introduction by Kim Walker, a retired BISD teacher and coach, First Baptist Church Pastor Andy Rodgers gave the invocation and Monsey Mendoza and Heer Gandhi led the crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Texas Pledge. Avery Rodgers sang the National Anthem.
BHS students represented patriotic American symbolism, and BHS teacher Robert Burchett recognized the honored guests. The Buckaroo Band played the official songs of the five branches of the U.S. Military — the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Coast Guard — and the veterans stood during the song for their branch.
Calvin Best, a BHS teacher, was the featured guest speaker, and Shonda Wood sang “Some Gave All.” Then, Kim Walker read “The Table” while students set the “Missing Man Table,” also known as the “Fallen Comrade Table.”
Jake Malcuit and Les Strickland presented a flag ceremony. Anthony Kelly, a former BHS teacher and coach and Coast Guard veteran, sang “God Bless the USA.” Strickland and Renfro then retired the colors, and BHS Principal Paul Armstrong offered the closing remarks. Aston Martin and Carson Duran played Echo Taps.
After the ceremony, the veterans and student council members gathered for a reception in the foyer of the gym.
Click here to see more photos from the Veterans Day celebration in the Breckenridge Texan Gallery.
Cutline, top photo: U.S. Navy Veteran Burrell McKelvain is escorted into the BHS Veterans Day Program by student council members on Thursday, Nov. 10. To see more photos from the event, click here. (Photo by Tony Pilkington/Breckenridge Texan)
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