Breckenridge Texan

United Fund surpasses this year’s goal with United Supermarkets fundraiser

United Fund surpasses this year’s goal with United Supermarkets fundraiser
August 09
12:15 2022

By Carla McKeown/Breckenridge Texan

As the United Fund of Breckenridge entered its last few weeks of fundraising for the 2021-2022 campaign, the local organization that raises funds for various community groups had reached 97 percent of its $18,000 goal and still had $540 that they needed to raise.

That’s when Tanner Taylor, the store director for Breckenridge’s United Supermarkets store, stepped up with an offer to donate the money raised from food and drink sales during the store’s annual Hatch Chile Fest on July 30-31. The supermarket and Coca Cola donated the food and drinks to be sold at the event with all the money raised to go to the United Fund.

When all the hamburgers and Cokes had been sold that weekend, the United Fund had not only met its goal but had surpassed it by almost $900. On Friday, Aug. 5, Taylor and other United Supermarket employees gathered to present United Fund directors with a check for $1,433.

“We’re just happy to help the United Fund finish out this year and kickstart next year,” Taylor said.

The United Fund is a Breckenridge organization that is not affiliated with the United Way fundraising organization or United Supermarkets. A local board of directors volunteers their time and efforts each year to raise funds that are then distributed to several other local organizations. This year’s United Fund Board of Directors includes Sherry Strickland, Les Strickland, Bo Asher, Sandy Broyles, Whitney Fulgham, Cassie Griffith, Scott Harris, Jean Hayworth, Lynda Justus, Wayne Justus, Kathy O’Shields, Kevin Simmons, Gary Trammel and Sharon Wimberley.

A small percentage of the funds raised is used for office and fundraising expenses, such as printing costs for the donation cards, postage, etc., and the rest of the money raised is donated to Breckenridge and Stephens County charities. Each year, the board of directors decides how to divide the money among the local groups.

This year, the United Fund is supporting the following organizations:

• Boy Scouts of America Troop #63
• Breckenridge Fine Arts Center
• Breckenridge Library
• Breckenridge Little League, Inc.
• BSA Girl’s Troop #63
• Cub Scouts Pack #81
• Dr. Goodall’s House
• Friends of Historic Breckenridge
• Girl Scouts Troop #8356
• Meals on Wheels
• The Open Door
• The School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC)
• Stephens County Ag & Community Center
• Stephens County Child Welfare Board
• Stephens County Humane Society
• Swenson Memorial Museum

Anyone who would like to donate may mail a check to: United Fund of Breckenridge, Inc., P.O. Box 170, Breckenridge, TX 76424. Or, donations may be made online on the United Fund website.


Cutline, top photo: Tanner Taylor, United Supermarkets store director, and other store employees gathered on Friday, Aug. 6, to present United Fund Directors Lynda Justus and Cassie Griffith with a check for $1,433. The funds were raised on July 30-31 through hamburger and Coke sales during the supermarket’s Hatch Chile Fest. (Photo by Tony Pilkington/Breckenridge Texan)


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