BHS Band Boosters to host fundraising Poker Run on Saturday, May 14

The Breckenridge Band Booster Club is on a mission. They want to raise enough money for a variety of projects for the Breckenridge High School band, and on Saturday, the boosters will introduce a new type of fundraiser to the local community – the Poker Run.

Breckenridge Band Boosters Allison Bailey and Carrie Duncan were at Frontier Days on Saturday to sign up participants for the upcoming Poker Run and to show off some of the items that will be auctioned off during the fundraiser. (Photo by Tony Pilkington/Breckenridge Texan)
The all-day event will be hosted by the band boosters and the Ron Hoover RV & Marine’s Breckenridge location, at 6512 U.S. Highway 180 West, and will offer those with boats, personal water craft (such as Jet Skis) and Jeeps a chance to compete for up to $2,000 in cash and prizes while cruising around Hubbard Creek Lake. And for those not participating in the Poker Run, there will be lots of family-friendly activities, including a boat parade, BHS band performances, raffles, live and silent auctions and more.
Food vendors will be on hand selling food and drinks. And, the Braden Davis Band from Albany will perform.
The fundraiser will be one of two ways — along with the concession stand at Buckaroo home football games — that the band boosters raise money to help support the band. Band Booster President Carrie Duncan said the organization wants to help the band with projects like a band camp, buying new instruments, decorating the band hall and others. “We’re band boosters boosting up the band program,” she said.
For the auctions, the booster club has items that were donated by local residents, as well as items from a charity fundraising auction organization. Additionally, there are some BHS band-related items up for bid, including pillows made from the old band uniforms and band hats. Locally donated auction items include a gift basket, an ice chest and more. Items from the auction organization include a Nolan Ryan-autographed baseball, framed with a photo; Johnny Cash and Elvis Presley autographs, framed with a photo of them together; Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan autographs, framed with a photo; autographs of the Rolling Stones, framed with a photo; and more.
There also will be two Mexico resort vacation packages to be auctioned off.
Schedule of Events
On Saturday, participants will check in between 8 and 10 a.m. Then, the BHS Jazz Band and Color Guard will perform and there will be an opening ceremony.
The Boat Parade will begin at 11 a.m., and the Poker Run will kick off at noon.
When the Poker Run wraps up at 4 p.m., the kids activities will begin and the Braden Davis Band will begin their performance.
The silent auction will close at 7 p.m., and the live auction will begin at 7:30 p.m., followed by announcements of the silent auction winners and the Poker Run winners.
The day will finish with a light-up performance by the BHS Drumline.
Poker Run
The Poker Run will involve participants on boats, personal watercraft or Jeeps traveling around Hubbard Creek Lake and stopping at seven designated checkpoints. At each checkpoint, they will pick up a sealed envelope containing one playing card.
Once a team has collected all of their cards, they will turn in the still-sealed envelopes. Then, an official with the Poker Run will open the envelopes and write down the poker hand on a form that the player then signs.
At each checkpoint, there will be a drink station and other activities. For example, at one checkpoint, an inflatable “water blob” will be set up for participants to jump off of.
Each checkpoint will be accessible by both land and lake, so the boat, personal watercraft and Jeep drivers all will pick up their cards at the same places.
Participants need to register for the Poker Run by Friday, May 13. Click here for a registration form you can print and fill out.
Registration fees are:
- Boat – $200 – includes entry for one boat in the Poker Run and Boat Parade, one operator, two passengers, three poker hands, a Poker Run decal and an event t-shirt
- Personal watercraft, such as a Jet Ski – $50 – includes entry for one watercraft in the Poker Run, one operator, one poker hand, and a Poker Run decal
- Jeep – $50 – includes entry for one Jeep in the Poker Run and Jeep Parade, one driver, one poker hand, and a Poker Run decal
- Additional poker hands – $25 each
For more information, check the Breckenridge Band Boosters’ Facebook page or send and email to
Cutline, top photo: Breckenridge High School band students Kayla Sommer, Morgan Duncan and Sadie Bailey show off some of the items that will be auctioned off at the Band Boosters’ Poker Run fundraising event on Saturday, May 14. (Photo by Tony Pilkington/Breckenridge Texan)
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