Local conservation meeting slated for July 26

The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service in Texas’ Stephens and Shackelford counties and the Lower Clear Fork of the Brazos Soil and Water Conservation District will host the FY19 Local Working Group meeting at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, July 26, at the Breckenridge Interbank Coffee Room, 301 W. Walker St. It will be open to the public.
The annual LWG meeting is to set local conservation priorities and bring conservation stakeholders together to discuss conservation topics and issues relevant to helping farmers and ranchers in Stephens and Shackelford counties better conserve on-farm natural resources.
The agenda will include updating attendees on recent conservation efforts and getting public input to help guide future conservation activities.
Farmers, ranchers, conservationists, and others interested in obtaining Federal technical and financial assistance to improve private land in Stephens and Shackelford Counties are invited by the NRCS to participate.
For more information, call Tony Baeza, District Conservationist, at 254-559-2333 ext. 3 or visit the NRCS Web site at http://www.tx.nrcs.usda.gov/.
Cutline, top photo: Two conservation and energy efforts — cross fencing and wind turbines — work together at Stasney’s Cook Ranch in Albany. For updates on recent conservation efforts and to provide input to the NRCS, plan to attend next week’s meeting. (Photo courtesy of the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service)