TSTC to offer pipe welding certification class at Breckenridge, other West Texas campuses

Beginning this fall, Texas State Technical College will offer a certificate of completion in Welding Advanced Pipe Specialization at each West Texas campus. Abilene’s campus has been teaching the certification class, and it will now be offered in Breckenridge, Brownwood and Sweetwater.

Beginning in the fall, Texas State Technical College’s West Texas campuses will offer a certificate Welding Advanced Pipe Specialization. (Photo courtesy of TSTC)
“Every company offers some type of pipe welding,” said Greg Nicholas, the program team lead (PTL) for Welding Technology in Abilene and Sweetwater. “We all know there is a need for pipe welding in the oil fields. We are going to be here to fill that gap.”
Stephen Hope, the PTL for Welding Technology in Breckenridge and Brownwood, said West Central Texas is a natural fit to provide this certification.
“We are in the heart of pipe welding country, whether its pipeline that is new or maintaining current lines,” he said. “There are power plants, both hydro and nuclear, that are always needing pipe work.”
Hope said refineries across the state deal with pipe for transporting and other companies make boilermakers, which deal with pipe.
“Then you also have your local farmers and ranchers that might like a new pipe entrance,” Hope said. “So, the advanced pipe certification will gear the students with the knowledge that will allow them to achieve whatever mission they want to accomplish.”
Nicholas said it will lead to graduates being prepared for the industry.
“This is a great skill set being added to our Welding Technology offerings in West Texas,” he said. “In general, pipe welders often make more money and that will be good for our graduates.”
According to onetonline.org, welders can earn a yearly median salary of more than $48,000 in Texas. Welding jobs were expected to increase 23% between 2020 and 2030 in the state, according to the website.
For more information, visit https://www.tstc.edu/programs/weldingtechnology/