Stephens County 4-H shooting team to host sporting clay fundraiser on Aug. 17 in Abilene
The Stephens County 4-H shooting sports team will host a fundraising event, “Busting Clays with the Black Mask Shooting Team,” on Saturday, Aug. 17, at Abilene Clay Sports, 1102 E. Spur 707 in Abilene.
The entry fee will be $130 per individual or $450 for a team of four. The contest will include 100 targets, and there will be prizes for first, second, third and overall best team.
Lunch will be provided for shooters, and non-shooters can eat for $10. The event will also include a fundraising auction.
On-site registration will begin at 8 a.m. Aug. 17, and the shooting stations will be open from 9 a.m. to noon. Lunch will be served at noon.
Participants can register at the event or click here to register in advance. For more information, call Michael Russell at 940-867-7400.