County Commissioners lift burn ban, table holiday pay discussion
By Carla McKeown/Breckenridge Texan
At their meeting on Monday, the Stephens County Commissioners voted to lift the burn ban, allowing county residents to burn brush.
Stephens County Fire Marshal Wayne McMullen told the commissioners that he had spoken with most of the county’s volunteer fire department chiefs and they agreed that the recent rainfall would allow for some burning.
In a Facebook message on Thursday, County Judge Michael Roach asked local residents to notify the Breckenridge Fire Department before they burn anything, so that they can monitor the controlled burns in the area.
Also during Monday’s meeting, the commissioners discussed the county’s holiday pay policy. After about 20 minutes of discussion, they voted to table the topic and schedule a workshop at a later date to work out the details of a new policy. The concern is that the current policy is costing the county unnecessary money in overtime pay for employees who work to cover the critical shifts of those who take the holidays off. The department most affected is the Sheriff’s Office, which includes the jail and cannot allow all of the employees to be off on holidays.
Cutline, top photo: Stephens County Sheriff Kevin Roach talks to the County Commissioners about the county’s holiday pay policy and how it affects the Sheriff’s Office. The commissioners voted to table the topic and schedule a workshop to create a new policy. (Photo by Tony Pilkington/Breckenridge Texan)
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