Breckenridge Texan

County Judge lifts burn ban with specific stipulations

County Judge lifts burn ban with specific stipulations
October 20
10:54 2021

This morning, Wednesday, Oct. 20, Stephens County Judge Michael Roach, with the authority given to him by the commissioner’s court, rescinded the ban on outside burning in Stephens County.

Roach’s order was issued with the stipulation and request that anyone intending to plan and execute any type of outside burning contact Breckenridge Fire Department at 254-559-6242 to notify them of the time and location of the outside burning activity. No fire may be started if there is 15 MPH wind speed or above.

The county judge urged all county residents to use extreme caution with any outside burning.

In making this announcement, the Commissioners’ Court expressed its appreciation to the various fire fighters, fire departments, and all other citizens of Stephens County who cooperate to alleviate the emergency condition of dangerous wildfires.

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