Kyler Knight, Elle Jackson win top awards in Sheep Division

The Sheep Division of the 2019 Stephens County Junior Livestock Show featured nine students showing their animals on Friday, Jan. 11.
Lee Stanley was the judge of the contest, which took place in the Stephens County Agriculture and Community Center.
(Click here to see more photos from the Sheep Division in the Breckenridge Texan Photo Gallery.)
The results of the Sheep Division are as follows:
Senior Showmanship: Kason Knight
Junior Showmanship: Joni Jackson
Breeding Ewe
Grand Champion Breeding Ewe: Elle Jackson
Reserve Champion Breeding Ewe: Jasie Poindexter
Market Sheep
Class 25 — Fine Wool/Fine Wool Cross — 1. Kason Knight; 2. Rylen Sims.
Class 26— Southdown — 1. Romney Hill; 2. Romney Hill.
Class 27 — Medium Wool — 1. Kyler Knight; 2. Kyler Knight; 3. Joni Jackson.
Class 28 — Medium Wool — 1. Kyler Knight; 2. Kason Knight; 3. Joni Jackson.
Class 29 — Medium Wool — 1. Rylan Sims; 2. Addison Street; 3. Elle Jackson.
Class 30 — Hair — 1. Trinity Blackman; 2. Jasie Poindexter.
Grand Champion Market Lamb: Kyler Knight
Reserve Champion Market Lamb: Kason Knight
Champion Fine Wool/FW Cross Market Lamb: Kason Knight
Reserve Champion Fine Wool/FW Cross Market Lamp: Rylen Sims
Champion Southdown: Romney Hill
Reserve Champion Southdown: Romney Hill
Champion Medium Wool Market Lamb: Kyler Knight
Reserve Champion Medium Wool Market Lamp: Rylan Sims
Champion Hair Market Lamb: Trinity Blackman
Reserve Champion Hair Market Lamb: Jasie Poindexter
Born & Bred Lamb: Addison Street — Breeder: Hurley Boles

Elle Jackson, right, and Jasie Poindexter won the Grand Champion and Reserve Champion in the the Breeding Ewe category. (Photo by Tony Pilkington/Breckenridge Texan)
Cutline, top photo: Kyler Knight, left, won the award for the Grand Champion Market Lamb at the 2019 Stephens County Junior Livestock Show. Kason Knight, center, won the Senior Sheep Showmanship award, and Joni Jackson, right, won the Junior Sheep Showmanship award. (Photo by Tony Pilkington/Breckenridge Texan)
(Click here to return to the main 2019 SCJLS page.)