Breckenridge Texan

It’s Girl Scout Cookie time!

It’s Girl Scout Cookie time!
January 19
11:51 2018

If it’s January, it must be Girl Scout Cookie time!

Members of Breckenridge’s Girl Scout Troop 8356 picked up their boxes of cookies last Saturday and have been out and about selling cookies this week.

This year, there are nine types of cookies, the girls said Monday when they met at McDonald’s to enjoy an ice cream snack. The cookies include: Shortbread, Thin Mints, Peanut Butter Patties, Peanut Butter Sandwiches, Caramel deLites, Lemonades, Girl Scout S’Mores, Thanks-A-Lots and the gluten-free Trios.

The cookies cost $4 per box, and the local troop gets to keep a portion of the proceeds.

Last year, the girls used their cookie money for a variety of projects, including buying Easter dinner and Easter baskets for a family in need, donating to Hurricane Harvey relief, and attending NASA Camp in Houston.  This year, the troop wants to visit the Waco Mammoth National Monument museum in Waco, as well as to help the local animal shelter and donate toothbrushes and other hygiene products to the junior high.

The Girl Scouts will be selling cookies until Feb. 25. They plan to set up booths at Walmart on Saturdays, at United on some weeknights and in the First National Bank lobby on Friday afternoons.

For more information, about buying cookies or starting up a troop for local kindergarten and first-grade girls, call troop leader Kim Fuller at 682-564-3980.


Story by Carla McKeown/Breckenridge Texan

Cutline, top photo: Girl Scout Troop 8356 shows off the cookies they’re selling through the end of February. Pictured are, seated from left, Malia Dauer, Rylee Fuller, Rachel Burchett, Kenzie Blackman, Kodee Crawford, Maggie Wunsch, and in the back, Rihana Fuller. (Photo by Carla McKeown/Breckenridge Texan)

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