Breckenridge Texan

Breckenridge revisits the spirit of the Buckaroos’ past during Homecoming week
September 19
12:45 2017

This week, Breckenridge schools are building up spirit for the Homecoming football game Friday night, and the evidence is all over town.

Not only are the store windows in downtown decorated, but the schools are encouraging the students to come to school dressed in outfits to match this year’s Homecoming theme: A Flash from the Past. Monday was the 1950s; today is the 1960s and ’70s; Wednesday will be the 1980s; and, Thursday is the 1990s (except at North Elementary, where Thursday is school picture day, and the students are expected to dress appropriately for their school photo). Friday is “Wear Green Day” to show support for the Buckaroos.

The Homecoming Parade will begin at 6:30 p.m. in Downtown Breckenridge. The parade will come south on Miller Street from the high school, turn left (east) onto Walker Street and then left (north) onto Court Street on the east side of the courthouse. Each float will be judged on theme interpretation, creativity and originality. A community-wide pep rally will be held on the east side of the courthouse following the end of the parade.

The traditional game-day pep rally will begin at 9:30 a.m. Friday, Sept. 22, in Buckaroo Stadium.

Buckaroo fans will want to get to the stadium earlier than usual Friday night because the Pride of Breckenridge – Buckaroo Band will perform before the game, allowing time during halftime for the Homecoming Court Presentation. The band will arrive at the stadium at 6:45 p.m. Friday and will take the field at 7 p.m. to perform their show.

During halftime, the Homecoming Court will be presented and the Homecoming Queen and King will be crowned.

At 7:30 p.m. Friday, the Breckenridge Buckaroos will take on the Dublin Lions.

Cutline: Angie Brown and her North Elementary School students dressed up in 1960 and ’70s outfits today to celebrate Homecoming Week in Breckenridge. This year’s Homecoming theme is “A Flash from the Past.”  (Photo courtesy of North Elementary)

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